07 May 2009

Birla temple- the temple of Lord Venkatesh.

This temple of Lord Venkatesh, popularly known as ‘Birla Temple is made entirely out of white marble from Rajasthan.

100_0511 (A distance view—This picture was taken from moving vehicle)

Besides the chief shrine of Lord Venkateswara, there are also separated shrines for His consorts 'Padmavati' and 'Andal' and other gods like Ganesh, Hanuman, Saibaba etc.

aa (Tried to zoom it as close I could, as cameras are not allowed, inside)

This is a modern temple (consecrated in 1976) built of white marble on top of a hill. The inner shrine in the temple is said to be an exact replica of that in Tirupati Temple.

100_0520 (And this is the entrance towards the main shrine)

The structures of temples in south India and north India are totally different, but this is a beautiful blend of the northern and southern styles of architecture.

 100_0517 (Shrine at hill top--Cameras and mobiles are not allowed from this point)

Beautiful scenes from the great epics of Ramayana and Mahabharata are finely sculpted in marble. As it is situated at the hill top, both the it is also a perfect location to have a ‘birds-eye-view’ of Hyderabad and Secunderabad.


Jupp said...

Nice Blog with pretty photos. Congratulations !

Basanta said...

Enjoyed nice photos and information. Thank you!

wordflows said...

thanks for nice photograph and information

दूर्जेय चेतना said...

तपाईंको ब्लगको खुबी नै त्यही हो। सबै जना शब्द संजालले कुनै कुरा भन्छन, तपाईं फोटोले। तस्बिरलाई आँफै बोल्न दिनु हुन्छ तपाईं त्यही राम्रो लाग्छ। फेरी राम्रो फोटोहरुको लागि धन्यवाद है...

Yumesh Pulami said...

धेरै सुन्दर र राम्रो पोस्ट , पिक्चरहरु हेर्दा - एउटा कुशल फोटोग्राफर ले खिचेको जस्तो लाग्छ
अनि त्यसमा भएको पिक्चर सम्बन्धी थप इन्फोर्मेसन ले अझ राम्रो बनाई दिएको छ |

Aakar said...

तस्विरमै भए पनि, हामीलाई नयाँ नयाँ ठाउँमा घुमघाम गराउनु भएको मा हार्दिक धन्यवाद छ !

Unknown said...

Thank you all for your nice comments. I feel encouraged!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the brief picture of the temple of Lord Venkatesh.

I dont think its a perfect picture as Bednath said.. its just ok...you just took the picture from distance...is there any restriction to get get picture from little bit inside..?

बिमल गिरी said...

Sujan jee,
Namaskaram from far way.Really its nice and perfect picture from far distance.Thank you very much.

Unknown said...

धन्यबाद, मिलन जी !! जहाँ सम्म माथिका तस्बिरहरुको कुरा छ , क्यामरा र मोबाईल मन्दिर भित्र लान निषेध गरिएको थियो ,जुन मैले माथिको तस्बिरमा पनि उल्लेख गरेको छु ।मेन गेट भन्दा माथि क्यामरा र मोबाईल लान नपाइने भएकोले तल बाट नै ती तस्बिरहरु लिईएका हुन। त्यहि भएर पनि बाहिरबाटै र चलेको गाडि बाट नै तस्बिरहरु लिनु परेको हो। अनि अर्को कुरा म प्रोफेसनली फोटिग्राफर पनि होईन त्यहि भएर तस्बिरहरु नराम्रा पनि हुन सक्छन।त्यसको लागि क्षमा चाहन्छु। आफ्नो ब्यस्तताको कारण पनि समय निकालेर मेरो ब्लग हेरी आफ्नो प्रतिक्रिया राख्‌नु भएकोमा पुन एकपटक धन्यबाद।।।

नमस्कार बिमल जी !! त्यति टाढा बाट पनि समय निकालेर मेरो ब्लग हेरी आफ्नो प्रतिक्रिया राख्‌नु भएकोमा धन्यबाद।।।

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